
On this page you will find details about me, my educational background and other things that might be relevant for people (or companies) wishing to hire me for freelance, part-time, full-time or Consultant jobs. Some of the data (more personal data, such as phone number and email) below will require you to get login info to access, this login can be obtained by using the Contact page.

I am currently an employee at Freetrailer Danmark ApS as an IT Developer where my primary focus have been to maintain the old website while developing a new site from scratch. I have been working there for a little over a year.

Personal Data:

Realname: Lars Pedersen
Internet Handle: Argentum Serpens
E-mail: You need to login for data
Age: 39
Height: 190cm (6'3")
Birthday: September 22nd
Sodiac Sign: Virgo
Profession: Application/Website Developer
City/Country: Copenhagen, Denmark
Interests: Programming (applications, WebPages), walking, biking (in the summer), watching a good movie, Role-Playing Games.

Educational Data:

Educational Data covers my basic education and courses taken either during my school time or while working.

School Year Short Description
Public School 1981 - 1991 This coveres the basic education from first to tenth grade.
Trading School 1991 - 1992 Qualifications: Office assitance, shop clerk or similar job.
Technical School 1992 - 1993 Qualifications: Low-currency specialist.
Higher Technical Exam 1993 - 1997
Teacher College 1998 - 2000 Only finished the first 2 years. I choose to stop because I felt like I learned enough about teaching techniques.
Trade Academy 2000 - 2004 Computer Scientist. Java/SQL programming.
Vestfyns Handelsskole 2005 .NET (Visual Studio 2003, C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Webservices, XML and .NET Framework 1.1)
SiteCore Training 2005 V5 Certified Developer Training - Level 1: Site Construction
Unknown 2011 Advanced Foundations of Microsoft .NET 2.0 Development
Unknown 2012 .NET (Visual Studio 2010, C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Webservices, XML and .NET Framework 3.5)

Work Experience:

Company / Workplace Year Job Description
JOS Selskabslokaler 1996 - 1998 Waiter, dishwasher, setting the tables.
Syvsten Kro/Motel 2000 - 2004 Waiter, dishwasher, setting the tables, helping in the kitchen, cleaning rooms.
NextInnovation A/S 2004 - 2006 .NET Developer.
SurfRay A/S 2006 - 2007 Analyst/Operations Supporter.
Capernow A/S 2007 - 2014 Developer (ASP, ASP.NET, C#).
Freetrailer Danmark ApS 2014 - Developer (ASP.NET, C#).

Known Programming Languages / Techniques

Language Level*
Basic (MS-DOS) Advanced
Visual Basic 5 Advanced
Java Expert
Visual Basic for Applications Beginner
C++ Beginner
PHP Advanced
Classic ASP Advanced
ASP.NET 1.1 Advanced
ASP.NET 2.0 Advanced
ASP.NET 3.0 Advanced
ASP.NET 4.0 Advanced
ASP.NET 4.5 Advanced
C# 1.1 Expert
C# 2.0 Expert
C# 3.0 Expert
C# 4.0 Expert Also includes MVC, WCF and Jquery.
C# 4.5 Expert Also includes MVC, WCF and Jquery.
SSIS Advanced
Biztalk Beginner
Axapta Beginner Know how to connect and communicate with axapta, though web services.
SQL Server Advanced Stored Procedures, View, function and tables.
MySQL Advanced Stored Procedures, View, function and tables.

Other Known Application:

Application Level*
Advanced Installer Beginner Application used to create installers.
EPiServer Beginner A CMS system.
Sitecore Beginner A CMS system.
Joomla Advanced A CMS system.
BlogEngine Beginner A Blog system.
Screwturn Beginner A Wiki system.
Visual Studio 2008/2010/2012 Advanced Applicaiton used to develop .net applications.
SQL Server Management Studio 2000/2005/2008 Advanced Applicaiton used to develop .net applications.
Umbraco Beginner A CMS system

* The level is a rough guideline into how much I have been working with the different languages / techniques / programs. I am aware that this kind of ranking system can give an inaddequate image of how much I have really worked with the languages / techniques / programs, but it does show that I have been working with in for a short or longer period.

  • Beginner - Have worked with it for a short time.
  • Advanced - Have worked with it for an extended time, leaned the basics.
  • Expert - Have worked with it for an extended time, leaned more indepth concepts or functionality.